Getting ready for the next Bible Study & Journaling Class:)




I’m listening to Laura Story…such a constant for me this past month as our church prepares to welcome her as the Keynote Speaker for our 4th Annual Women’s Conference…“Indescribable”. 

As I sit here feeling inspired by Laura’s incredible song lyrics, I have been thinking about my current “to do” list.

*Conference Journal/program

*Winter Session of Women’s Bible Study

Bible Journaling classes

*Etsy products ready for shop

…AND, it’s surprising how often I “sell” my God “short”.  He knew all along, that all of these working pieces would come together in just the right way…HIS…if only I was a better listener!

God has given me a teacher’s heart, and anytime I have the privilege of coming along side another, it brings me the greatest joy, but what often gets in my way is my missing left brain…the right has completely taken over!  So, as result, my creative bones often run ahead of the Lord because they have no “reason.” So, instead of REALLY listening, I was drowning out the voice of the Holy Spirit with my talking-which left me feeling overwhelmed.

Anyway, Brecken, my sweet sweet, VERY TALENTED Sister in Christ (we met online in the Journaling Bible Community and Documented Faith communities) and I have been praying, creating, and dreaming together about ways to be a support and encouragement to other women who are pursing God with their hearts and their hands:)  It looks like all these moving pieces I mentioned compliment one another and instead of working independently, they will be used together:)

(I finally took a “break” from some of the “busy” long enough to really listen!)

The above pictures are kind of a “sneak peak” of the combination Bible Study and Art Journaling class I am preparing to teach in February.

I will post more about it later!

Thank you for taking the time to read my posts and Doodle with me!

…but, most of all, may God bless you as you seek Him with your whole heart:)

If you’re not a part of these wonderful Bible Journaling Communities, check them out by clicking on the links below:


22 thoughts on “Getting ready for the next Bible Study & Journaling Class:)

    1. JoAnna, I have REALLY enjoyed watching the ministry God has given you grow! Love that you’re out there teaching! I have been facilitating Bible Studies for almost 20 years, and over and over the thing we all struggle with the most, is committing to OBEDIENCE! I think the first step is admitting we can’t do it apart from the Lord’s strength. BUT, when we finally step out in that obedience, God meets us there with abundant blessing! SO, how do we help each other to make that commitment to obedience? I think Bible Art Journaling increases our connection by engaging so many tangible touch points. An even greater heart to memory process:) I am eager to hear about your experiences! Way to go!!!

  1. Hi Sue, how exciting this is! I’m so thrilled that the Lord has opened the door for you to create what looks and sounds like it’s going to be awesome. Also, to collaborate with Brecken (of course I love seeing her sweet posts on DF! 😊) is such a wonderful blessing for both of you. Question, will your Bible study be online (crossing fingers)? Prayers for you as you’re working out those left and right brain issues as I know exactly what you deal with! 🙏🏻

    1. Awww…thanks Laurie! Yes, Brecken is such a blessing to us all! I LOVE her art and her beautiful heart:) It is definitely looking a bit different than I first imagined, but then that is a good sign:) God always has the BEST plan! We are praying through what it might look like online. I am definitely feeling really good about what has been prepared for my group at Church. I will let you know as soon as it all becomes clear! Thanks ALWAYS for your sweet encouraging words…they mean alot to me:) xo

  2. Please tell me this will be available for people, like me, to take online. You are the only source of teaching and inspiration I have. And a class with you would be much appreciated and an answer to many prayers.

    1. Tenia, thank you so much for reaching out to me! I am hoping that it will all come together online:) Right now, I am finishing preparation for my home church Bible Study. It is my hearts desire to make it available to all. Are you on Facebook? There are 2 wonderful groups that I think would bless you tremendously…I linked them at the bottom of this post. (Documented Faith and The Bible Journaling Community) Stephanie Ackerman (Documented Faith) offers wonderful study prompts and beautiful art. Check them out, and keep in touch! Bless you:)

  3. I love your blog. Your sincerity in studying and sharing God is obvious. I’ll be watching closely for a follow up post about the Bible Study, I am VERY interested!
    God bless you and all you do for Him!

  4. Hi! I recently found your blog and have really enjoyed seeing your work and being inspired by you. I will be teaching/hosting a Bible journaling workshop at my church in two weeks. This will be my first time doing anything like this, but I have been feeling the Lord’s prompting to do this and I am stepping out in faith. I have a few ideas already, but any advice for a first-time teacher of a Bible journaling class?? Thanks!

    1. Good for you! Love to hear about others out there teaching and encouraging others to “get into” God’s word! It depends on the type of class you are offering. I find that editing content is super important. It takes people time to understand the whole concept of the process…prayer, study time, listening, journaling truth, and then finally creating. Try not to pack too much in one class. I think it’s a wonderful thing to allow time for your class to truly “be still” and listen so their focus can remain on the Lord and not just the art:) I like to bring plenty of examples of how you can create without feeling like you need to be an artist. (stamps, stickers, washi tape, etc.) I usually ask groups to bring their own pens, pencils, watercolor paper and inexpensive watercolors. It is best to start out this journey of learning in a separate book, binder, or art pad before moving to the pages of a Bible. I like to take my groups through specific “doodle” exercises…drawing together, step by step, so that they leave feeling accomplished:) Providing resources for them to go home with is always appreciated! I hope that helps you!!! Bless you in your obedience! xo

    1. Whitney, do you live near Cincinnati?? You’re invited!! If not, I hope to do this class online through my blog:) Thanks so much for connecting with me! stay in touch!!!

  5. Sue, you don’t know me but I live in Georgia and follow your blog…I love God with my whole heart but to be honest art and journaling is a close second…HAHAHAH! I know from your posts that i receive by email that you lost your mother in law recently and forgive me if I have that wrong. I just wanted you to know that i am praying for you and your family and was wondering if all of you are hanging in there? God bless you, your family, and your ministry and our family will keep you in our prayers…”May God’s all consuming peace flow over you and yours”

    1. Trina, what a beautiful message you have sent me! What a precious heart you must have to take the time to reach out to me with encouragement and prayer. Thank you so very much! I smiled so big when I read the part about journaling! To answer your question, we are all doing as well as can be expected:) We all have days that leave us missing her terribly, yet we are thankful that she is no longer in pain, but continuous joy! My Father in law has the hardest road…they were together for 65 years. Again, thank you so much for your prayers! Much love, sue

    1. Hi Cheryl! I have been teaching this class in my home town, but will soon release the book to the general public. The Bible Journaling Study includes, a workbook, Large Group files including…Leader notes, Doodle and Lettering lessons, project instructions, photos, and simple videos. It is designed for a group, but can be done individually as well:) I will be posting about it more when it is finished! Thank you for asking!! xo

      1. Hi again sue. Question please, I ordered your new bible study earlier this week but did not clarify if it was the leaders guide. Since I’m going to be doing this at church with a large number of ladies (that I will also direct them to purchase one, if you think that would be best) I thought I needed to clarify if what I ordered was correct or if there is a different purchase for the leader?
        Thanks for helping me and always being so very patient.
        For the KINGDOM
        Suzanne raley

      2. Hi Suzanne! What a blessing to so many you must be! It’s exciting to hear about your plans! I’m out of town and have poor cell coverage, but would love to chat with you by phone to explain in more detail and answer any additional questions you might have. There will be a PASSWORD in the book for the additional BOOK FILES you can find on my blog. They include Leaders notes, weekly Large group activities and projects. If you send me an email with your phone number I would be happy to call you to discuss it all:) My email is Please keep in touch, I’d love to help!

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